| Dosage | Procedure and time of application | Consumption of working solution, l/ha
All crops - to increase resistance to washing
| 0,1-0,15%
(100-150 ml/100 l of working solution) | Spraying vegetative crops in a mixture with contact fungicides
| According to the recommendations of the pesticide in the mixture with which it is used
OSR, soybeans, peas, etc. - to reduce the risk of cracking of pods, beans, boxes, etc.
| 0,5-1,0 l/ha
| Land spraying 2-4 weeks before harvest
| 250-400
OSR, soybeans, peas, etc. - to reduce the risk of cracking of pods, beans, boxes, etc.
| 0,5-1,0 l/ha
| Aviation spraying 2-4 weeks before harvest
| 50-100
OSR, soybeans, peas, etc. - to reduce the risk of cracking of pods, beans, boxes, etc.
| 0,5-1,0 l/ha
| Ultra-low-volume spraying by UAV and multicopters 2-4 weeks before harvest
| 8-10 |